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What's going on with DAVeMoS

Artificial Intelligence

December 14, 2022

AICentive project is kicked off !

DAVeMoS is part of AICentive (AI-Based Optimisation of Incentive Schemes for Sustainable Mobility) project which aims to use AI-based approaches to predict complex mobility behaviour and optimise incentives in a multidimensional manner, beyond currently available solutions. Further information of the project can be found in here. This project is funded by Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK), ICT of the Future Program.


December 2, 2022

Goodbye Maria, Gunnar, and Pak Dadi

Today our friends and colleagues going back to Sweden, Italy and Indonesia, after stayed with us from 1-2 weeks to 3 months. Always a joy to have them with us and looking forward to the continuation of collaboration with them (and their next visit to us).


November 16, 2022

Welcome to Hardianto Iridiastadi from Bandung Institute of Technology

DAVeMoS received a visitor from Bandung Insitute of Technology, dr. Hardianto Iridiastadi, from the Industrial Engineering Faculty. During his 2 weeks visit, dr. Iridiastadi will discuss and develop collaborations in transport innovations and human factors issues.

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October 21-31, 2022

DAVeMoS' abroad visit

Sponsored by the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture, DAVeMoS has been giving seminars and lectures in 6 departments at 5 top universities, about mobility innovation and international research exchanges, plus participating at a 2-days workshops on road safety and ergonomics, in Indonesia.


September 27, 2022

How to measure the satisfaction of a bike sharing system ?

This study proposes a novel combination of two methodologies for satisfaction assessment that allows decision-makers to identify the most influential system attributes on user satisfaction. The results suggest that station occupancy and bicycle availability and totem functioning are key service attributes to enhance satisfaction. Also, the combination of the two methodologies makes it possible to differentiate that maintenance is a priority for subscribers and network extension for occasional users. The paper can be found in here


September 15 - 16, 2022

Institute for Transport Studies 30+ years celebration

Together with the celebration of 150 years of BOKU, the Institute of Transport Studies celebrating of 30+ years of its achievement. Further information of the event can be found in here.


September 1, 2022

Opportunities and Challenges of Freight-Passenger Integrated Service

Together with the Institute of Production and Logistics, DAVeMoS hosted a seminar with discuss the potential and impacts of freight transport in digital age. We had with a guest lecture Professor Silvio Nocera from the Università Iuav di Venezia, Venice, Italy, followed by Dr. Alexander Rossolov who discussed the online shopping behaviour of Ukrainians, and Professor Manfred Gronalt who highlighted the huge methodological gaps in analysing urban freight impacts. 


August 18, 2022

Research and visit exchanges between DAVeMoS and Bandung Institute of Technology

Prof. Susilo and Prof. Iridiastadi from Industrial Engineering of Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia, have received grant (WCP-Dikti) from the Indonesian Ministry for Education and Culture to do a research collaboration and visit exchanges and seek further potential collaborations between two institutions. 


July 20-22, 2022

DAVeMoS at NECTAR Conference in Toronto

DAVeMoS members have two papers accepted for presentation at 2022 NECTAR Conference at the University of Toronto, Canada. We presented analysis results on the impacts of built environment and transport supply quality to public transport transport annual ticket ownership in Vienna, Austria, and the exploration of the changes of travel time budget due to COVID-19 restrictions. Further information of the conference can be found in here.


June 1-3, 2022

DAVeMoS at hEART conference in Leuven

hEART is an annual methodological oriented conference in transport research field. This year DAVeMoS have three papers. Dr. Bogacz presented an experimental output that linked e-scooter users' biometric readings with different types of brain reactions, Prof. Susilo presented a paper which implemented social value orientation method to link personality traits with autonomous transport network impacts, and together with Raky Julio C. we developed multi-dimensional bike sharing service evaluation frameworks. 

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May 24, 2022

SMACKER Final Conference

The final conference of EU Interreg-Central Europe SMACKER (Soft Measures & Actions for behavioural Change and Knowledge to embrace peripheral and rural areas) project takes place in BOKU on 24 May 2022. Further info can be found in here.


May 18 - 20, 2022

SmartHubs' 1st International Symposium and 2nd Consortium Meeting

SmartHubs' 1st International Symposium and 2nd Consortium Meeting were successfully held in Den Haag, the Netherlands. The theme of the symposium was 'an inclusive smarthubs design', which also presented various examples and findings across the country.

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May 4, 2022

DAVeMoS Spring 2022 Newsletter

DAVeMoS' spring 2022 newsletter now is out and can be found in here for German version and in here for the English version.


March 30, 2022

Impacts of changes in environmental exposures and health behaviours due to the COVID-19 pandemic on cardiovascular and mental health: A comparison of Barcelona, Vienna, and Stockholm

This paper aims  to (1) quantify changes in nitrogen dioxide (NO2), noise, physical activity, and greenspace visits associated with COVID-19 policies in the spring of 2020 in Barcelona (Spain), Vienna (Austria), and Stockholm (Sweden), and (2) estimated the number of additional and prevented diagnoses of myocardial infarction (MI), stroke, depression, and anxiety based on these changes. The paper can be found in here.


March 20-25, 2022

DAVeMoS at the 12th International Conference on Transport Survey Methods

DAVeMoS co-authored two papers which are presented at the 12th International Conference on Transport Survey Methods in Portugal. The first paper is about the experience of deploying Smartphone-Based Mobility Collector (MEILI variant) to 5000 households in Indonesia, Jakarta, led by JICA/Almec/Oriental Consultant colleagues. The second paper report the experience old creating own smart-watch app in measuring one's bio-metric whilst moving across space and time, called MERGEN. Further information of the event can be found in here.


February - March, 2022

Research Participants are wanted !

We are currently recruiting participants for our next exciting study, where we look at the differences in brain activity and behaviour when riding an e-scooter in virtual reality and in real life. More information of the experiment are available in here.

Digital Programmer

February, 2022

We are opening a post for an agent-based simulation researcher

We are currently opening a researcher position for an agent-based simulation development work. An ability to speak German is expected. More information of the post can be found in here and here.

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January 27, 2022

How are mobility hubs defined and categorized in academic literature and planning practice? What is a smart mobility hub? Where are mobility hubs located in Europe? If you want to set up smart mobility hubs in your city or you are researching about them, we summarized different definitions, categorisations and typologies for you which you can find in our SmartHubs project website.


January 7, 2022

New member of DAVeMoS!

In the start of 2022, DAVeMoS welcomes a new member, Muhamad Rizki (Taki), a scholarship PhD students, funded by OeAD's Ernst Mach Grant. He is currently a lecture at the National Institute of Technology, ITENAS, Bandung, Indonesia. His main research interests are digitalisation, travel behavior, and subjective well-being. Further information of him can be found in here.


January, 2022

International Association of Travel Behaviour Research (IATBR)

Professor Susilo has been appointed as the secretary of International Association of Travel Behaviour Research for 2 years, from the beginning of 2022 to the end of 2023.


December 11-15, 2022

DAVeMoS at 2022 IATBR conference

DAVeMoS presented 4 works at 2022 IATBR Chile conference on travel-time-budget, online behavioural transformation, impacts of teleworking, and neuropyschology-hazard analyses. Further information of the conference can be found in here.     


November 28, 2022

DAVeMoS Day 2022

This year DAVeMoS' research day was held on 28 November 2022. In this half day seminar event, we presented eight research works of DAVeMoS young members, range from Virtual-Experiment and Agent-based simulation outputs to the evaluation results of demand-responsive-transport operation in the Alps mountains. Further information of the event can be found here


November 14-16, 2022

Defining and Planning for Integrated Smart Mobility Hubs

Prof. Susilo has been invited to give a keynote lecture at REALCORP 2022 conference. During his talk, he shared some DAVeMoS' recent works in designing and planning for a smart mobility hub. Further information of the conference can be found in here.

Toy Brain

October 10, 2022

DAVeMoS' researcher is among the Top 2% of Scientists Worldwide in 2021

Based on Elsevier BV/Stanford University list of "2022 Updated science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicators", Prof. Susilo is again listed among the top 2% of world scientists, one of few researchers listed from the sub-field discipline of “Logistics and Transportation”. 

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September 27, 2022

DRT services analysis in Salzburg is completed

DAVeMoS project which analysed the performance and demand of demand responsive transport in suburban and mountainous areas in Salzburg is completed. The project report can be found in here.


September 14 - 15, 2022

SmartHubs 3rd Consortium meeting

DAVeMoS is hosting a two days SmartHubs consortium meeting in Vienna. About 27 experts from academic, stakeholders, and industries from multiple European countries are expected to take part, and collaborate, to discuss what make a mobility hub a game changer. 


August 29 - September 2, 2022

DAVeMoS at the 5th World Planning School Congress

Ms. Shahnaz Fuady presented her work entitled "The potential impacts of micromobility on urban transport: adaptation of land use and transport model of Vienna, Austria" at the 5th World Planning School Congress in Bali, Indonesia. In this opportunity Ms. Fuady shared the development micromobility integration to the transport-land-use integrated model (MARS) for Vienna metropolitan area.  

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August 4, 2022

Physical travels on the verge of extinction in the
era of Metaverse?

The International Association for Travel Behaviour Research (IATBR)” launched its inaugural edition of its periodical newsletter. The newsletter is meant to serve as a medium for research exchange idea or to throw some provoking ideas/views. Our Martyna Fidler is one of the writers in this inaugural edition. The full edition of the newsletter can be found in here.   


July 1, 2022

Public transport users’ willingness-to-pay for a multi-county and
multi-operator integrated ticket

How much intercity rail users are willing to pay more for a multiple-public-transport-juridictions' integrated ticketing system? Unlike conventional believe, our findings show that non-commuter travellers have a higher willingness-to-pay for a integrated multiple-public-transport-juridiction ticket compared to their regular-commuter counterparts. Perhaps it is time to rethink our marketing strategy? The paper can be found in here.

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May 31, 2022

Persistent challenges in integrated travel behavior/network modeling

Professor Gunnar Flötteröd gave his public lecture which debugging the challenges of person-centric model systems in simulate individual synthetic travellers and vehicles. He argued that such model is not more complicated and/or unrealiable than traditional transport models that we are using today. 


May 24 - June 26, 2022

Survey on MaaS use in small/medium cities

DAVeMoS team member is started a multi-waves survey in the city of Waidhoven an der Ybbs, at the province of Lower Austria to explore the longitudinal adoption behaviours of ÖBB360 service.

Night of Metropolitan

May 13 - June 30, 2022

Survey on the impacts of Super-Apps to the travel and time use in different cities in developing countries

DAVeMoS team member organised a survey to examine the impacts of Super-Apps to the activity and travel engagement of users from from small/medium cities to megapolitan in Indonesia.

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April 26, 2022

New member of DAVeMoS

Alexander Rossolov is our newest Research Scientist at DAVeMoS. Prior to joining DAVeMoS, he was an Associate Professor at the Transport Systems and Logistics Department, at the O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv, Ukraine. With DAVeMoS, he will strengthen the team' capabilities on discrete choice modelling, B2C logistics, e-commerce, and sustainable last-mile deliveries related research initiative. Further information about him can be found in here.


March 30, 2022

Word of mouth and behavioural intentions of the automated bus service

Do you know that the users who are willing to recommend the service to others are not necessarily the same groups who intend to use the automated bus in the future? Analysis on the role of Word of Mouth in influencing the adoption of automated bus can be read below. A paper together with Jia Guo, Constantinos Antoniou and Anna Pernestål. The paper can be found in here.


March 2022

Welcome to our Guest Professor: Gunnar Flötteröd 

Professor Dr. Gunnar Flötteröd has been appointed as a Guest Professor in our Institute for Transport Studies of BOKU Vienna. Prof. Flötteröd is one of the world leading experts in transport simulation and modelling, in particular on agent-based simulation and dynamic traffic assignment. He is member of the Editorial Board of Transportation Research Part B, which is one of the highest ranked transportation journals which focuses on methodology, and also one of the Representative Members of the European Association for Research in Transportation..

Futuristic Car

March 16, 2022

DAVeMoS at the next oikosVienna Expert Talk event

DAVeMoS will contribute to the next oikosVienna Expert Talk on the topic of sustainability in transportation. Further information of the event can be seen in here.


February 16, 2022

Goodbye Marco Ferro and Welcome Robin Palmberg

Marco Ferro's 3 months visit under Erasmus Trainee programme from Bologna University is ended on mid February and Robin Palmberg from KTH Stockholm has joined us from beginning of February and he will work together with us in deploying VR experiment until mid March 2022. Our best wishes for Marco's next step in his career and happy to have Robin strengthen our VR research team.


January 22, 2022

DAVeMoS in DiePresse's Sunday edition

DAVeMoS and Prof. Susilo research activities are reported and discussed at DiePresse's Sunday Wissen and Innovation column. Die Presse is a major German-language daily broadsheet newspaper in Austria. The article can be read in here.


January 3, 2022

Towards a better understanding of the health impacts of one’s movement in space and time

To better understand the interactions between physical built environment conditions and one’s well-being, we created a passive data collector for travellers and made the first step towards an explanatory model based on psychophysiological relations. The full paper that describes the work can be found in here.


December 5, 2022

Happy end of year dinner

To thanks everybody for all hard works that have been done in the last one year, as one institute, we went out and enjoyed each other's company as one happy research group.


November 17, 2022

DAVeMoS Autumn 2022 Newsletter

DAVeMoS' autumn 2022 newsletter now is out and can be found in here for German version and in here for the English version. 


October 27, 2022

Understanding the system-level impacts for Mobility-as-a-Service 

A DAVeMoS' co-supervised PhD students, Bhavana Vaddadi, at KTH Stockholm, Sweden, has successfully defended her PhD thesis, which investigated the importance of taking the “system-level perspective” to evaluate innovative MaaS solutions. Bhavana evaluated two small scale MaaS trials (Scania Go & Mistra SAMS Living Labs 2) from the individual, organisational and societal perspectives separately and in an integrated manner by constructing the system-level framework to understand the possible challenges and barriers that could arise when full-scale MaaS operations become a reality.

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October 4, 2022

SuperApps: From a Travel Solution to a Business Ecosystem

Together with the Österreichisch-Indonesische Gesselschaft (Austrian-Indonesian Society), DAVeMoS hosted a seminar about the roles and impacts of SuperApps as travel and business environment in Indonesia. The topic of the seminar was "SuperApps: From a Travel Solution to a Business Ecosystem - Case Study: Jakarta". 


September 16, 2022

SmartHubs International Symposium

Together with the Research Unit Transportation System Planning (MOVE), DAVeMoS hosted a half-day international symposium on Mobility Hub design which took take place in aspern Seestadt, LAKEFIRST, Eva-Maria-Mazzucco-Platz 2, 1220 Vienna, on 16 September 2022. The topic of the symposium is "Governance of multi-modality in public space – what options do we have?" In this symposium, different concepts, visions and implementation experiences of mobility hubs in Austria and other European countries were presented. Furthermore, an assessment ladder, governance and open-source tools for mobility hub planning and design, which we have developed through the ERANET Urban Europe project SmartHubs (, was presented. Further information of the event can be found in here


September 5, 2022

New member of DAVeMoS

At the start of September 2022 we have a new member, Ms. Maria Lucia Battistini, who joined us as an Erasmus Trainee until December 2022. During her stay with us, she will assist us with behavioural and bio-metric data analyses. More about her can be found in here.

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August 19, 2022

New publication at ÖZV

Martyna Fidler published an article about the plausible impacts of metaverse to trip making in the Österreichische Zeitschrift für Verkehrswissenschaft (ÖZV) research magazine. The article can read in here.

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August 4, 2022

DAVeMoS as an invited key speaker in Bali

Prof. Susilo gave an invited presentation about the engineering and design of a future city at an international conference in Bali, Indonesia, which was hosted by the University of Hasanuddin, under a theme of “Toward Smart and Green Infrastructure for Achievement of Sustainability Development Goals”  

Image by Lukas Blazek

June 17, 2022

The Impacts of a COVID-19 Lockdowns on Time Use and Mobility for Activities in Austria

Based on a series of datasets obtained through a multi-waves of a week-long mobility and activity survey we analysed mobility and time use changes, as well as changes
in activity locations and secondary activities in Austria. We found that the
lockdown resulted in a convergence of time use of socio-demographic groups with formerly different
patterns, but the differences reappeared in the opening phase. The full paper can be found in here.

Car Design

May 25, 2022

Human Factors in Road Safety in Different Eras

Professor Susilo served as one of the keynote speakers in a Road Safety Workshop which was organised by the Indonesian Ergonomics Society. He discussed on how the elements of road safety have evolved along with the advancement of technologies.


May 20, 2022

DAVeMoS project was well visited during Lange Nacht der Forschung 2022 event

DAVeMoS' project room which presented e-scooter simulator and agent-based modelling technology has been very popular during the 2022 Lange Nacht der Forschung event at BOKU, in particular among the younger audiences who wished to try to travel in the virtual-environment,


May 5-6, 2022

New mobility - new questions - new models

DAVeMoS, is co-organising a FSV planning seminar which focuses on new type of modelling. The question asked is "how can (new) traffic models better support us in tomorrow's traffic planning?". Further information of the event can be found in here.


April 15, 2022

Exploring users’ reaction to next-generation ticket inspection

Whilst most of the studies focussed on the acceptance of different payment system, using data from Stockholm-Uppsala corridor we explored the acceptance of ticket inspection technology (the other side of the coin). The paper can be found here.


March 29, 2022

Final Conference on WISE-ACT Cost Action

WISE-ACT Final Conference will take place on 29th March 2022. WISE-ACT is the COST Action CA16222 focusing on the Wider Impacts and Scenario Evaluation of Autonomous and Connected Transport. DAVeMoS participated in and contributed to the final report of Working-Group 1 (Institutional and Regulatory challenges) and 5 (Scenario Development & Evaluation). The reports can be found in here.


April - June 2022

856.049 course with a focus on: A primer on person transport modelling and simulation

Our visiting professor Prof. Gunnar Flöterröd will will teach the 856.049 course “Traffic and Transport Planning - selected topics (in Eng.)”, with a focus on: “A primer on person transport modelling and simulation”. All are welcomed to take part in the course.


February, 2022

DRT usage among tourists and suburbs residents in Salzburg

Davemos currently is deploying survey among tourists and suburbs residents in Werfenweng and Wals-Siezenheim, and surrounding villages, of Salzburg on the use of demand responsive transport (DRT) in their daily travel.

February 8, 2022

Examining the effects of integrated ticketing among interregional commuters

This study examined the correlation between mode choice for commuting and newly introduced multi-regional integrated ticketing between Stockholm and Uppsala, Sweden. The results suggested that integrated ticketing has an overall positive effect on promoting greater public transport use; in particular, male car commuters compared to females are more likely to switch to PT for commuting. The paper can be found in here.

Green Indoors

January 18-20, 2022

DAVeMoS participates at Austrian Technology Days South East Asia 2022

Further information of this B2B event can be found in here.


January, 2022

The long-term acceptance pattern of automated public transport service

Using the three-wave panel data, this study focuses on the real-world riding experiences of the automated bus operated in the mixed traffic environment on public roads in Stockholm, Sweden. The results show that people evaluated speed and travel time of the automated bus unsatisfactory, but the evaluations increased steadily; while they perceived safety, comfort and convenience as satisfactory, but the assessments declined moderately over time. The full paper that describes the work can be found in here.

© 2020 Copyright DAVeMoS Team

Forthcoming Conferences

Here you can find relevant forthcoming conferences related with digitalisation and automation

Automation in Austria

Here you can find information to relevant initiatives of digitalisation and automation in  Austria


Here you can find various different types of publications that DAVeMoS team have previously published

Knowledge Pool

Here you will find a knowledge pool about system level impacts of automation and digitalisasion

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