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What's going on with DAVeMoS


December 13, 2021

DAVeMoS 4th Newsletter

DAVeMoS' 4th newsletter now is published. The English version of the newsletter can be read in here and the German version of the newsletter can found in here.


November 8, 2021

Susilo's Antrittvorlesung

On November 8th, 5pm, an Inaugural Lecture (Antrittvorlesung) of Prof. Susilo took place which also streamed live in here. The title of the lecture: "The future of transport: A dance between people and technology" 


November 4, 2021

Mit Zug und Bus in die Zukunft

The Institut français d'Autriche, in collaboration with the Swiss Embassy and the Austrian Ministry of Transport, organised an event focusing on future mobility alternatives, where Dr. Roider from DAVeMoS is one of the keynote speakers. The information of the event is here.


October 14-15, 2021

SmartHub's 1st workshop in Anderlecht

SmartHub project reached its first major milestones and successfully held its first workshop in one of five living labs, i.e. Anderlecht, Belgium.

Pile of Boxes

September 22, 2021

Call for Papers on the Special Issue: Integration of passenger and freight transport

DAVeMoS is co-editing a special issue together with Silvio Nocera (Università Iuav di Venezia), and Constantinos Antoniou (TU Munich) in the Elsevier journal Transportation Research Part A on the Integration of passenger and freight transport. Further information available here.  


September 10, 2021

DAVeMoS is co-editing a special issue in European Transport Research Review journal, which paper collection can be seen in here and the editorial summary of the published papers can be found in here.  


August 23-26, 2021

Health impact assessment of COVID-19 confinement-related changes in environmental and health behaviour exposures on cardiovascular and mental health

DAVeMoS contributed to a paper which quantifies changes in physical activity (PA) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) levels in response to confinements in Barcelona/Spain, Vienna/Austria, and Stockholm/Sweden, and estimate the number of myocardial infarction (MI), stroke, and depression diagnoses that would be prevented or in addition if observed changes in PA and NO2 levels were sustained, e.g. over one year. The programme of the conference can be found in here.  


July 2021

Thank you Veronika and Welcome Martin!

DAVeMoS team would like to express our sincerest gratitutes to Veronika Hebenstreit for her important contributions to DAVeMoS and best wishes to her career ahead, and welcome Martin Hinteregger as our newest research assistant and PhD student to the group. 


June 16-18, 2021

The 8th International Symposium on Transport Network Reliability (INSTR)

DAVeMoS participated and involved in the organisation the 8th International Symposium on Transport Network Reliability (INSTR), which was mainly hosted by the KTH Stockholm and well attended by hundreds of researchers from around the world. Further information on the conference can be found in here.


May 26, 2021

DAVeMoS participated in a State visit event

DAVeMoS was invited in a State visit between Austria and Estonia. Dr. Klementschitz participated in a B2B exchange event with Estonia counterpart in automated shuttle domain.

May 14, 2021

Doctoral defense: Understanding Commuters’ Attitudes to the Public Transport Ticketing System

A DAVeMoS co-supervised PhD student at ITS Leeds, Ilyas Alhassan, of Uppsala County Transport Administration, together with Bryan Matthews and the late Jeremy Toner, just passed his viva with a minor correction. The thesis analysed the impacts and public acceptance of multiple regions' seasonal ticket in Sweden.


May 06, 2021

DAVeMoS in Active Modes and the City seminar

DAVeMoS team member, together with a colleague from Georgia Institute of Technology, was invited to give a seminar on travellers’ mental maps and spatial cognition and cyclists perception of the urban environment, organised by TRAIL, the Netherlands Research School on Transport, Infrastructure and Logistics.

April 20, 2021

Doctoral defense: Understanding Changes in Decision-making Processes to Adopt First-/Last-Mile Automated Bus Service

A joint NTU Singapore - KTH Stockholm's PhD student whom Prof. Susilo is the main supervisor will defend her thesis at NTU Singapore on 20 April 2021. Further information of the defense can be seen at here


March 06, 2021

Restrictions on mobility due to the coronavirus Covid19: Threats and opportunities for transport and health

DAVeMoS contribute to a new editorial work at Journal of Transport and Health, highlighting the impacts of one year COVID-19 lockdown, including the gain in term of behavioural change, and issues of mental health. The article can be seen in here.

January 25-26, 2021

DAVeMoS provides the closing presentation in a national conference

Prof. Susilo was invited to give a presentation at the closing session of a 2-days National Seminar on Infrastructure Technology, which was organised by Universitas Gajah Mada, Indonesia. His presentation was entitled "Innovation=just do it+the right support+systematic and honest evaluation".

January 05, 2021

DAVeMoS research in US TRB 100th Annual Meeting

DAVeMoS' member's research which focuses on "The Trade-Off Behaviours between Virtual and Physical Activities during COVID-19 Pandemic Period" has been featured in the US TRB 2021 annual meeting and also in the sub-committee's meeting of on Activity & Time-Use Patterns - Travel Behaviours and Values (AEP30).


November 22, 2021

“ERC at 3“ online sessions by the FFG Academy

DAVeMoS is contributing to “ERC at 3“ online sessions by the FFG Academy: Writing a compelling ERC proposal - For Starters and Consolidators. It is an interactive online sessions to support researchers in their preparations for a Starting or Consolidator Grant proposal. To take part, you can register in here


November 8, 2021

The first DAVeMoS Day

DAVeMoS Day is an event where DAVeMoS team member presenting some select research outputs for the given year. This year, on November 8th, 13-15 pm, 6 research works were presented. The seminar was delivered as a hybrid event and was attended by about 20 people from about 12 different institutions. 


October 21, 2021

New Data and Transport Models: A new opportunity, a complement, or a hype ?

Prof. Susilo served as one of five keynote speakers in the 15th Indonesian national conference in Civil Engineering. The information of the conference can be found in here.

Commuter with Headphones

October 14, 2021

Residential Locations and Health Effects on Multitasking
Behaviours and Day Experiences

This study found that the
influences of built environment and physical health on multitasking activities are relatively stronger
than activity duration and trip parameters. The results also demonstrated positive correlations
between polycentric city designs and people’s day experiences. The paper is available in here.


September 20, 2021

DAVeMoS reach its first miles stone to develop its own virtual city lab, as an effort to understand human decision making process better, in particular in dealing with the micromobility and future transport alternative. Further information about the initiative can be read in here.  


September 6, 2021

This paper aims to explore the possibilities of data analysis on the data collected through a software combining travel survey data, such as position and time, with heart rate, to gain knowledge of the implications of such data. The knowledge about the implications of spatial configurations can be used to create more accessible environments. The paper can be found in here.


August 9-11, 2021

Flexible parking norms and sustainable mobility choices

DAVeMoS co-authored a paper which introduces a conceptual framework that links parking as the bridge between the effect of built environment and mode choice behaviours. The paper is presented at 2021 World Symposium on Transport and Land Use Research, which virtually August 9-11, 2021, hosted by Portland State University in Portland, Oregon, USA. The programme of the conference can be found in here.  

Image by Rupert Britton

June 29, 2021

Balancing impacts in an automated and connected world: Who are the altruists and who are the individualists?

A master thesis supported by DAVeMoS has been defended and completed. Based on data from more than 1,000 Austrian respondents, this study investigated on how different personality traits lead to different trade-off mechanisms, ranges from individualistic to altruisms, in a connected and automated transport environment. The thesis can be found here.

Covid 19

June 12, 2021

COVID-19 impacts beyond travel mode change

DAVeMoS, together with IVe colleagues, analyse the impacts of COVID-19 beyond changes in the number of trips and travel mode use. We analysed how the time-use and expenditure changes overtime. Further information of the on-going study can be seen in here.


May 26, 2021

Capacity and knowledge building through multiple deployment of automated bus services

DAVeMoS will join a group of researchers and practitioners from the Netherlands and US who will discuss lessons learned from deployment to fully implementation of an automated bus system. Further information of the event can be seen in here.

Transport Planning Lectures (Silvio Noce

May 12, 2021

DAVeMoS in international Transport Planning Lecture series

DAVeMoS was invited to take part in an international series of Transport Planning Lectures, organised by the Università Iuav di Venezia, which will take place in the first half of May 2021. Further info of the event can be seen in here.

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April 22, 2021

Door-to-door inclusiveness in automation and digitalisation of mobility related services.

DAVeMoS team members wrote an article in Österreichische Zeitschrift für Verkehrswissenschaft on how automation and digitalisation can impacts different segments of the door-to-door journey for different group of people with different levels of disabilities. The article can be found in here.


March 21, 2021

When and why do people choose automated buses over conventional buses?

This study examines travellers’ preferences for automated buses compared to conventional buses, using a context-dependent stated choice experiment. It examines the effects of context variables—such as trip purpose, distance to destination, time of day, weather conditions, and travel companion. The results indicate that the influence of choice attributes does not vary much when choosing to use automated buses or choosing to use conventional buses. That is sad, the context variables matters on travel mode choice. The article can be seen here.

Team Meeting

March 01, 2021

DAVeMoS is growing!

After a long delay due to COVID-19, DAVeMoS feels privileged to have a number of new colleagues joined in the last 2 months. We are previledged to have Mr. Ilahi who recently graduated from ETH Zurich as our postdoc, 2 new research assistants/PhD students, Mr. Su (a graduate from TU Munich) and Ms. Roxani (a graduate from TU Delft), 2 Indonesian/OeAD Scholarship Students, Ms. Chrisnawati and Ms. Fuady, Dr. Flötteröd (from VTI and Linköping University) as our visiting scholar and Ms. Schilder as our industrial/external PhD student who is also part of ÖBB. More info on each new staff can be seen in here.


January 21, 2021

DAVeMoS granted access to Austria's most powerful computer

DAVeMoS' application to use the most powerful super computer in Austria via VSC (Vienna Scientific Cluster) is granted. DAVeMoS intends to use this facility to support it works in developing agent based simulation for Vienna Metropolitan Area.

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January 01, 2021

DAVeMoS' researcher in Transport Reviews' Editorial Board

Prof. Susilo has been appointed as an Editorial Board member of Transport Reviews. Transport Review currently is the 2nd highest ranked among Transportation journals. It aims to not only providing an overview of existing studies on a certain subject, but also new insights, theories, models, and/or avenues for further research.


November 10, 2021

DAVeMoS at Digital Leben of Ö1

DAVeMoS' Antrittvorlesung was discussed on Digital Leben programme of Osterreich1 (one of four national radio channel in Austria). The record of the broadcast can be heard in here


November 5, 2021

DAVeMoS is visited by a French delegation

DAVeMoS received a visit of delegation from the French embassy and university. The visit focusing on possibilities to develop research collaboration and student exchanges between institutions in future mobility topics. 


October 19, 2021

DAVeMoS' researcher is among the Top 2% of Scientists Worldwide in 2020

Based on Elsevier BV/Stanford University list of "2021 Updated science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicators", Prof. Susilo is again listed among the top 2% of world scientists, one of few researchers listed from the sub-field discipline of “Logistics and Transportation”.


September 30, 2021

FSV seminar am Semmering on "Mobilität als Service und der Straßenraum"

DAVeMoS is co-organising a 2-days FSV (the Austrian Research Association for Roads, Railways and Transport) seminar with focus on critical factors and evidences of MaaS implementations. The seminar took place in Semmering, attended by almost 40 people from different planning and engineering institutions across Austria. The programme of seminar can be found in here.  

Girl with Bookshelves

September 13, 2021

Knowledge Pool is completed!

DAVeMoS completed its first edition of knowledge pool (online library) on automation and digitalisation. This knowledge pool is aimed to enable the readers to quickly update themselves the latest state-of-the-art of different issues surrounding automation and digitalisation. The knowledge pool is available in here.  

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September 1-15, 2021

Demand responsive survey for rural area in Salzburg

DAVeMoS is deploying a series of survey at select suburbs and small villages, on the usage of demand responsive transport in the region, in particular related to daily and tourism travels.  

Books On Shelf

August 2021

DAVeMoS articles listed as one of the most cited articles at top journal

DAVeMoS editorial piece on COVID-19 impacts to transport and health has became the most cited article in Journal of Transport and Health (Elsevier) and DAVeMoS' previous work on free public transport impact analysis in Tallinn, Estonia, is the most downloaded paper in Transportation (Springer) in 2020. 

Packaging Factory

June 24, 2021

New ÖVG working group on automated person and goods analysis and simulation (DESIA)

DAVeMoS is supporting a new ÖVG (the Austrian Society of Transport Sciences) working group on the digital development and simulation of automated person and goods mobility (DESIA), which was initiated by ThinkPort Vienna (Martin Posset) and NXRT (Martin Wagner).


June 01, 2021

Operator's, Authority's, and Research perspectives from Europe's first integrated automated public transport service

DAVeMoS, together with local operator and authority will share their experience from the deployment of Europe's first automated public transport service. Further information of the event can be seen in here.


May 17, 2021

DAVeMoS in International Encyclopedia of Transportation

DAVeMoS member co-writing two chapters in newly published International Encyclopedia in Transportation on Trip Chaining Analysis and Women and Transport Modes. The chapters were jointly written with colleagues from the University of Washington, USA,  and the Institute Transport of Economics (TOI), Norway, respectively.


May 06, 2021

Kick-off of ERANeT SmartHub Project

SmartHub project which aims to explore the individual and system level impacts of mobility hubs is started. Five living labs in Vienna, TheHague Rotterdam, Munich, Brussels and Istanbul take parts in this project.

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April 21, 2021

DAVeMoS third newsletter

DAVeMoS's third newsletter has been published. The English version can be found in here and the German version can be found in here.

March 15, 2021

Survey on MaaS system in Korneuburg

DAVeMoS' external PhD student, Ms. Schilder,  together with ÖBB, kicked-off a series of surveys on MaaS (mobility-as-a-service) use, among residents and commuters in Korneuburg, in the Lower Austria province. The focus of her study is understanding the potential demand and adoption behaviours of MaaS system among small and medium cities' residents.


February 10, 2021

The trade-off between virtual and physical activities during the first COVID-19 lockdown

Based on empirical data collected from Italy, Sweden, India and few more others, we found that the external restrictions and personal characteristics are the driving factors of the changes in ones' daily trips. However, the estimation results do not show a strong correlation between the countries' restriction policy and the respondents' likelihood to adopt the new and online-based behaviours for any of the activities after the restriction period. The article can be seen in here.


January 14, 2021

DAVeMoS in national collaboration working document

The 2020 "Arbeitsdokument zur Harmonisierung von Tests mit automatisierten Shuttles", by colleagues from AustriaTech, now is published. Davemos feels privileged to be able to contribute to the content.

© 2020 Copyright DAVeMoS Team

Forthcoming Conferences

Here you can find relevant forthcoming conferences related with digitalisation and automation

Automation in Austria

Here you can find information to relevant initiatives of digitalisation and automation in  Austria


Here you can find various different types of publications that DAVeMoS team have previously published

Knowledge Pool

Here you will find a knowledge pool about system level impacts of automation and digitalisasion

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