What's going on with DAVeMoS
December 14, 2020
DAVeMoS is part of a winning ERA-NET proposal
DAVeMoS is a part of SmartHubs consortium which won the ERA-NET Cofund Urban Accessibility and Connectivity grant. The consortium involves 30 partners from 6 countries. In Austria, TU Wien, MOPOINT, The Fed. Gov. of Lower Austria, ITS Vienna, Wien 3420 AG, SUM, Aspern.mobil Lab and Mobility Lab Graz are also part of the consortium.
November 10, 2020
How users' expectation changes with the increase of experiences in using an automated bus service?
Together with colleagues from NTU Singapore (Chee Pei Nen and Wong Yiik Diew) we found that, at first, the automated bus adopters' concerns were about safety and travel time reliability, whilst ride comfort became the dominant concern as the ride experience increases overtime. The paper can be accessed in here.
October 23, 2020
How can we fairly measure the distribution of public transport accessibility?
In this article, we propose doing so in relation to a target accessibility, apply it for Stockholm and demonstrate how it can be used to assess interventions using the example of skip-stop rail operations. A joint work with Isak Rubensson (SLL, Stockholm Public Transport Authority) and Oded Cats (TU Delft). The paper can be accessed in here.
September 29, 2020
DAVeMoS 1st funder board meeting
On September 29th, DAVeMoS had its 1st funder board meeting. Due to COVID-19 circumstances, the meeting was held online and was attended by 11 people from all five stakeholder institutions, the BMK Ministry, and the Austrian Research Council (FFG). All funders are pleased with what DAVeMoS accomplished during its 1st year, and the next big goal for the coming year is to build a knowledge pool of the system level impacts of digitalisation and automation to transport and mobility system that are available for all stakeholders in Austria.
September 11, 2020
Measuring System‐level Impacts of Co‐Working on Transport systems
How the flexible co-working location has impacted the travel patterns, energy use, and emissions at the city-wide level ? A paper which was presented at the 2020 European Transport Conference in Milan and online, a joint work together with Bhavana Vaddadi, Anna Kramers, and Anna Pernestål (KTH Stockholm).
August 8, 2020
How people have resorted to digital solutions in doing their daily activities during lock-down period?
Prof. Susilo invited as one of speakers in an open national seminar, hosted by Tidar University, Magelang, Indonesia, on "Transportasi Publik di Era New Normal" (Public Transport in New Normal Era). He presented some early evidences based on a select surveys that have been done during pandemic period, in particular on how individual have resorted to digitalised solution in replacing their physical trips. The record of the event can be seen in here (in Indonesian)
July 8, 2020
A visit by the Lower Austrian State Minister for transportation to DAVeMoS
DAVeMoS received an honoured to be visited by the Lower Austrian State Minister for Transportation, Minister Schleritzko, accompanied by Ms. Stefanie Hobiger, on July 8, 2020. Within an approximate one hour visit, a series of discussions on behaviours, automation, digitalisation, cycling and general planning issues, for Lower Austria context, took place during the meeting.
June 30, 2020
Towards a better understanding of the health impacts of one’s movement in space and time
How your heart rates and stress levels vary whilst you are moving in urban space? Prof. Susilo co-author a paper which was presented by Robin Palmberg (KTH) at the 7th Mobile Tartu 2020 conference. Mobile Tartu is a biennial conference which focuses on human mobility and mobility data, hosted by the University of Tartu, Estonia.
May 01, 2020
Transport in the COVID-19 Virus Era
Together with Professor Karst Geurs (University of Twente) and Dr. Jonas Flodén (University of Gothenburg), Prof. Susilo is editing special issue on Transport in the COVID-19 era. Further information can be seen in here.
April 09, 2020
How much people willing to pay for different automated bus services?
Using the real deployment of automated bus service on public road in Stockholm, Sweden, together with colleagues from NTU Singapore (Chee Pei Nen and Wong Yiik Diew) and ITRL KTH (Anna Pernestal), Prof. Susilo investigate on how much people are willing to pay for different type of service with such technology. The article can be found in here.
April 04, 2020
Equity impacts of different fare schemes
Which fare policy is most fair? Fixed flat fare, zone-based or distance-based? What are there distributional effects for different income levels and how do these results depend on city structure and income segregation? A study together with Isak Rubensson (Stockholm County, Sweden) and Oded Cats (TU Delft, the Netherlands). The article can be found in here.
February 12, 2020
What trigger a Non-adopter to become an Adopter, and vice versa, of an automated public transport service ?
Prof. Susilo gave a seminar at the University of Newcaste (UK) about different triggers and factors which influenced users to adopt an automated public transport service in their daily life. He also presented the longitudinal changes of adoption behaviours observed from the deployment of automated bus service in Stockholm, Sweden, from 2018 to date.
January 14, 2020
Honorable Mentioned at Eric Pas Dissertation Award
The PhD dissertation which was attached to the MEILI, open source travel diary, which has been implemented in five different metropolitan areas around the world, received a prestigious award from IATBR (International Association of Travel Behaviour Research) community. The dissertation was written by Adrian Prelipcean and Prof. Susilo was the main supervisor.
November, 2020
DAVeMoS member as a Visiting Professor at the University of Indonesia
Prof. Susilo has been appointed as a Visiting Professor at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Indonesia, until 2021.
September 22, 2020
Expectation, Adoption, and Appreciation of an automated bus service: a longitudinal analysis
On September 22nd, Prof. Susilo had a privileged to be invited as a speaker at the 2nd webminar series by the Israeli Smart Transportation Research Center to talked about the recent findings on automated bus deployment. Prof. Susilo discuss the importance of time element in understanding the adoption and adaptation of users' travel behaviour towards new technologies and reported the limitations of the traditional models in forecasting the behaviours.
August 29, 2020
Measuring system-level impacts of Corporate Mobility as a Service
(CMaaS) based on empirical evidence
What KPIs shall we use to measure the system level impacts of Corporate MaaS system? A work based the world first fully functioned Corporate MaaS in one of major companies in Sweden, together with Bhavana Vaddadi, Xiaoyun Zhao, and Anna Pernestål (KTH Stockholm). The paper can be found in here.
August 5, 2020
Determinants of intention-to-use first-/last-mile automated bus service
What service indicators are matters for different group of automated bus users? This study found that different subgroups of users prioritised different attributes. Prospective users (with no prior experience with the service) were most concerned with the frequency of service, whilst the experienced users most concerned with travel time and the price of travel fares. A study together with Esther Chee Pei Nen and Wong Yiik Diew from the Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. The paper can be found in here.
July 6-7, 2020
The long-term acceptance pattern of automated public transport service
How the acceptance, attitudes and demand towards automated bus change over long term period ? Based on evidences from Stockholm, Prof. Susilo co-authored a paper which results was presented by Mia Xiaoyun Zhao (KTH Stockholm/Dalarna University) at the 3rd Symposium on Management of Future Motorway and Urban Traffic Systems (MFTS2020), organised by the University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg, on 6-7 July 2020 virtually.
June 29, 2020
Corporate MaaS to reduce CO2 emissions on working places
A master thesis, by Carl May (TUM), supervised by Prof. Susilo, together with Bhavana Vadadi (KTH ITRL), quantified the tank to wheel (TTW) greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of a MaaS implementation and simulates effects of potential variations in the service. The data is collected from the world first implementation of Corporate Mobility as a Service (CMaaS) in Sweden. The evaluation is based on cross-sectional survey among the employees and operational data from the CMaaS operator. The thesis can be found in here.
April 07, 2020
Weather perception and leisure trip decisions
How much is one's subjective perception on weather condition influence his/her travel demand? Universal Thermal Climate Index (UTCI), a panel dataset with a panel static/dynamic ordered Probit model is used to model leisure activity participation in Stockholm, Sweden. Work together with Chengxi Liu (VTI, Sweden) and Nursitihazlin Ahmad Termida (UHTM, Malaysia). The article can be found in here.
April 01, 2020
How much passengers appreciate an integrated public transport ticketing system?
A newly published study investigated the impacts of Movingo ticket system to the public transport patronage, user satisfaction, and the perceived quality of the ticketing set-up among Stockholm-Uppsala route passengers. Co-authored work with Ilyas Alhassan (from Uppsala County, Sweden), Brian Matthews and Jeremy Toner (Leeds University, UK). The article can be found in here.
February 18, 2020
DAVeMoS is recruiting !
Currently we are advertising two postdoc positions in activity based analysis and big data analysis which description can be seen at here and here. Every qualified candidate is welcomed to apply.
January 12-16, 2020
DAVeMoS presented four works at the 99th US TRB Annual Meeting
Prof. Susilo gave 2 lectures and 2 poster presentations at the 99th Annual Meeting at the US Transportation Research Board in Washington DC., USA. His first presentation is about the temporal element of adoption process of automated bus service in Stockholm. On behalf of ITRL colleagues, he also presented a study which calculated the potential cost impact of automated truck operation in Sweden. His poster presentation was about introducing a method to measure equity impacts due to the changes of accessibility and about the impacts of a cross-regional ticketing system on the willingness to pay for cross-regional public transport trips.
November 26, 2020
DAVeMoS' researcher is among the Top 2% of Scientists Worldwide in 2019
Based on Scopus citation impacts from the year 2019, compiled by Ioannidis et al. (2020), Prof. Susilo is listed among the top 2% of world scientists, one of few researchers listed from the sub-field discipline of “Logistics and Transportation”.
October 23, 2020
Optimism bias and word of mouth in delivering transport technologies
A joint work of Prof. Susilo with colleagues from TUM (Jia Guo, Constantinos Antoniou) and KTH (Anna Pernestal) was presented and discussed in Cost-Action WISE-ACT WG-5 meeting, a EU-wide network which focuses on autonomous and connected transport. The empirical evidences show that our users' optimism bias can easily lead us to over-estimate the future demand of the new technology. Further, the users who are willing to recommend the service to others are not necessarily the same groups who intend to use the bus system in the future.
October 5, 2020
The needs to understand the capability of the technologies beyond urban settings
DAVeMoS team had a privilege to access the deployment of a Digibus Austria's automated bus service on a rural public road in Koppl, Salzburg. Whilst the newest generation of the vehicle has been used, operating the vehicle on a rural public road imposes a number of unique challenges that were not exist on operating such vehicle in an urbanised areas.
September 17, 2020
DAVeMoS 1st research board meeting
On September 17th, DAVeMoS' 1st research board meeting was held, together with its 2nd coordination meeting. The purpose of a joint meeting is to initiate a collaboration platform, between automation and digitalisation stakeholders in Austria, with different interest groups in BOKU. Due to COVID-19 restriction, the meeting was held on-line and was attended by 19 researchers, from the ministry and different institutes, incl. AustriaTech, CMC/Innsbruck, KfV, our funders' representatives, and also representatives from research institutes in BOKU.
August 11, 2020
Influence of Individual Perceptions on the Decision to Adopt Automated Bus Services
What event that moved people from a non-adopter into an adopter of an automated bus technology, and vice versa? A research based on long-term, real deployment, of a fully integrated automated public transport service in Stockholm, highlighted some tangible behavioural milestones/events that can bring people to either directions. A joint work by Jia Guo and Constantinos Antoniou (TU Munich) and Anna Pernestål (KTH Stockholm). The paper can be found in here.
July 15, 2020
We are HIRING ! PhD positions opening
Currently we are advertising a number of PhD students/post-graduate assistant post in (1) transport demand modelling and analyses and (2) big data, sensors and behavioural change analysis which description can be seen at here and here. Every qualified candidate is welcomed to apply. Deadline to apply is 31 August 2020.
July 4, 2020
What is the difference between (connected) transport with a fork, a pray or an innovation?
Prof. Susilo was invited to give a seminar about transportation, as a research field, in the era of Industry 4.0. The event was hosted by Maranatha Christian University, Bandung, Indonesia. The record of the event can be seen in here (in Indonesian).
June 02, 2020
Time use and spatial influence on transport-related social exclusion, and mental and social health
In this work we found that inclusive transport accessibility correlates with a better social health. The life stages of individuals, particularly for those who belong to the later stage, correlates with the probability of having mental and social health problems intensified by a worsened financial status and if one’s need to work for a longer time. Having more predictable activity–travel patterns and an opportunity for a break from regular work activities during the weekend positively correlates with older people's transport-related social inclusion and positive mental health conditions. A paper with Dimas Dharmowijoyo (Universiti Teknologi Petronas, Malaysia) and Ibnu Syabri (Bandung Institute of Technology). Paper can be accessed in here
April 11, 2020
New network to foster research and education exchanges
DAVeMoS is a part of a successful application of new CEEPUS programme, MADPOV , an academic and regional cooperation network in Central and Eastern Europe which aims to achieving sustainability of the decarbonisation goals of motor vehicles and sustainable mobility. The conventional vehicles and the emergence of automation technology and alternative electric, hybrid and hydrogen-powered vehicles raise a number of questions related to the implementation of modern approaches to vehicle design. The Network was created to help connect Central and Eastern Europe to address not only engineering and technological issues, but also social, economic and legal aspects in its activities.
April 06, 2020
Editorial: Covid-19, accessibility and hypermobility
Together with other editors, Charles Musselwhite (Swansea University, UK) and Erel Avineri (Afeka - Tel-Aviv Academic College of Engineering, Israel), Prof. Susilo highlight the roles of high accessibility and hypermobility behaviours, and the weakness of our current social and economic construct, in an editorial piece which can be found in here.
March 06, 2020
We adjusted our name
Due to the changes in the name of the Ministry sponsored DAVeMoS, we adjusted our group name accordingly into: BMK Endowed Professor in Digitalisation and Automation of Transport and Mobility Systems
January 20, 2020
Gender issues in Smart Mobility?
Prof. Susilo co-authored a book chapter on women-only transport solution in Mexico City, Mexico. This book considers gender perspectives on the ‘smart’ turn in urban and transport planning to effectively provide ‘mobility for all’ while simultaneously attending to the goal of creating green and inclusive cities. It deals with the conceptualisation, design, planning, and execution of the fast-emerging ‘smart’ solutions. Further information on the book can be seen in here.
January 6, 2020
DAVeMoS team member contributed to an article at Asian major newspaper
Prof. Susilo contributed to an article published at the largest newspaper in Indonesia (by circulation) that highlighted the importance of quadruple helix in this industry 4.0 era and how the society needs to change rapidly in order to compete or to stay ahead, relatively to others. The article, in Indonesian, can be seen in here.