It is a BMK endowed research group on "Automation and Digitalisation“, led by an endowed Professor, with the aim of:
to create a solid evidence base at system level,
to identify suitable framework conditions from a societal point of view,
to promote the implementation of mobility solutions and technologies,
… in Digitalisation and Automation in transport and mobility system.
DAVeMoS is hosted by the Institute for Transport Studies of BOKU Vienna, and the list of active projects can be found in here.
Examples of DAVeMoS' research activities include:
Investigating the personal dilemmas in dealing with the pros and cons of automated transport network.
Exploring the plausible impacts of digitalisation and automation in improving accessibility of travellers with disabilities.
The roles of digitalisation to the trade-offs between physical and virtual activities and one's well-being during COVID-19 pandemic.
The long-term adoption of an automated bus service as first/last time alternative.
Facilitated by Digibus Austria in Koppl, Salzburg, analying the energy use and emission impacts of automated bus operation in rural areas.
Utilising virtual-reality technology to understand behaviour decision making processes better.
Exploring the use of agent-based model to understand the system level impacts of micromobility.
Identifying the success factors of a select on-demand service operations in the state of Salzburg.
Multi-waves time-use survey and behavioural change during disrupted time.
Infrastructure investment for urban road infrastructure.
Advising the preparation of mobile based 2022/2023 Österreich Unterwegs national travel survey.
Building knowledge pool for the system level impacts of digitalisation and automation to the transport systems.
More on DAVeMoS' activity updates
Teaching Missions
DAVeMoS promotes challenge driven data analytic and research oriented courses. Together with other BOKU institutions and centres, DAVeMoS will serve as a catalyst of research and education exchange and as a collaboration platform in order to ensure the integration of the results of the scientific activity into teaching.
Currently DAVeMoS team member actively participate in delivering teaching within the Institute for Transport Studies, which list of course can be found in here