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What's going on with DAVeMoS


December 12, 2019

Exploring rail commuters’ attitudes towards fare collection and verification systems

This study explored commuters’ attitudes to fare collection and verification and the underlying factors, their acceptance of the policy of “No-ticket-purchase on-board” and their preferences for fare verification options. Co-authored work with Ilyas Alhassan (from Uppsala County, Sweden), Brian Matthews and Jeremy Toner (Leeds University, UK). The article can be found in here.

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October 26, 2019

DAVeMoS team member co-authored a book chapter in Mapping the Travel Behaviour Genome

Prof. Susilo co-authored a book chapter on travel time use and altruistic behaviour among household members. The book is a part of IATBR (the International Association for Travel Behaviour Research) community's activities and consists of the latest research on the biological, motivational, cognitive, situational, and dispositional factors that drive activity-travel behaviour. Further information on the book can be seen in here.


December 9, 2019

DAVeMoS team had an introduction meeting with co-sponsors and funders

Mr. DI (FH) Andreas Blust (Austrian Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology, Directorate III, Unit I4 Mobility and Transport technologies) provided an opening speech and reminded the sponsors and co-funders of the objectives, and importance of DAVeMoS research group. The meeting was attended by various representatives from Stadt Wien, Land Salzburg, Wiener Linien, Wirtschaftsforum Waldviertel, ASFINAG, AustriaTech, FFG, BMVIT, and BOKU.


October 25-26, 2019

Prof. Susilo was introduced at BMVIT event

Yusak Susilo, BMVIT Endowed Professor was introduced publicly at a BMVIT event on 25-26 October 2019. This event was a part of a BMVIT dissemination and consultation event to discuss the future strategies for transport and mobility systems in Austria.


November 13, 2019

DAVeMoS team members went to ÖAMTC training area

DAVeMoS team members, Mr. DI Dr. Klementschitz and Ms. DI Baltzarek, visited the training area of ÖAMTC in Teesdorf. This training area will be the place where Digibus® Austria tests will be carried out in the coming months in the areas of passenger communication and capacity management.


October 24, 2019

Prof. Susilo started his position at BOKU

In October 2019 Professor Susilo started his appointment as the BMVIT Endowed Professor in Digitalisation and Automation in Transport and Mobility Systems at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna. His first interview can be found in here and the press release in here.   

© 2020 Copyright DAVeMoS Team

Forthcoming Conferences

Here you can find relevant forthcoming conferences related with digitalisation and automation

Automation in Austria

Here you can find information to relevant initiatives of digitalisation and automation in  Austria


Here you can find various different types of publications that DAVeMoS team have previously published

Knowledge Pool

Here you will find a knowledge pool about system level impacts of automation and digitalisasion (under construction)

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